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< prev - next > Construction Stone construction KnO 100080_Building with Stone part two (Printable PDF)
In part one Richard Tufnell explained how to build a rondavel out of stone. In this second
part he demonstrates the same techniques on a square building, and describes an
alternative 'single skin' wall.
You know from Part I how to
build a round rondavel; it is even
easier to build a 'square
rondavel'. The only difference in
the equipment is that you will
need four straight poles and four
short pegs (or more poles) to use
for measuring, instead of one.
Decide what size you want your
square rondavel to be, and place
a long pole upright on the
outside of each comer. Attach
strings right round the square,
about one hands' width off the
ground. Then hammer in a short
peg on the inside of each comer,
leaving a space the desired width
of the wall, and connect these up
with string in the same way
Figure 1: Marking out for a square building
Just as with the round rondavel, you must lay a foundation layer of stone without using mud.
This is done by laying the stones so that each one sticks out from under the string by about
three fingers' width. When you come to a comer pole, lay the stones beside it.
When the foundation is finished, you will have
what looks like a stone path a little bit wider
than the strings, all the way round.
Next, raise the strings up the poles all the way
round by perhaps a hand's width or a little bit
more. These strings are now used to guide you
as you build the wall. Mix the mud mortar as
before, and begin building your wall just as
described for round buildings.
Figure 2: Use longer stones to tie the
corners together.
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